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Who Qualifies for Assisted Living?

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Assisted living can be a great choice for seniors seeking companionship, support with daily chores, and a sense of community, all within the warmth of a home-like environment. But how do you know if it’s right for you or a loved one? 

The requirements for assisted living can vary based on the community you choose, but in general, assisted living can be suitable for any older adult who may be facing greater challenges in life and wants to live somewhere they can get assistance while being part of a community. 

There are several factors to consider before you choose assisted living, such as physical and mental health, where you or your loved one may want to live, the level of support you need, and the financial resources you have available. Learning more about assisted living can help you pick the right lifestyle for your needs

What Is Assisted Living?

Assisted living refers to a living arrangement that offers a blend of housing, personal care services, and health care designed to respond to individual needs. Residents enjoy a degree of independence while receiving support for activities of daily living (ADLs), such as dressing, bathing, and medication management. 

Nutritious meals, engaging social activities, and transportation services are typically included as well, crafting a setting that not only maintains but enhances one’s quality of life.

Is Assisted Living Right for You? 

Not everyone may require the care that assisted living provides, so how do you know it’s right for you or your loved one? While each individual’s circumstances are unique, there are general qualifiers that can help you consider if assisted living is the correct next step:

  • Age: Residents are generally seniors, often 55 years and older.
  • Health status: Assisted living generally caters to people experiencing diminishing physical health or age-related challenges that make daily tasks more difficult
  • Financial considerations: Financial resources are usually needed to cover the costs of assisted living. Your available resources may include personal funds, long-term care insurance, and sometimes government assistance.

Each person’s health considerations and personal preferences are important factors to consider before you choose assisted living. Thus, aligning your needs with the offerings of an appropriate and welcoming assisted living community is critical.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Choose an Assisted Living Community in Minnesota

When you’re considering assisted living options in Minnesota, a pragmatic and thoughtful approach can create a pathway to a fulfilling experience. Here’s how you can proceed:

Consider Your Needs or the Needs of Your Loved One

Before you take any steps toward looking for a community, take the time to consider what you need from an assisted living community, what form of support you or your loved one may want, and the services and amenities that are important to you. 

Research & Explore Your Options

Begin by exploring various communities with an open heart and an inquiring mind. Look for communities that combine comfort with quality care. This can also be an ideal opportunity to consider the levels of care available in the communities you may be considering and how they align with what you or your loved one wants. 

Financial Planning

Consider all the financial resources you have available to pay for assisted living. Investigate potential financial assistance programs if necessary and consider seeking the advice of financial planners specializing in senior living.

Tour Potential Communities

Arrange visits to communities, immerse yourself in the atmosphere, engage with the staff, and ask questions that matter to you. Your intuition, as much as your intellect, can guide you in these moments.

Move-In Process

Once your application to a potential community is accepted, you’ll need to prepare for the transition and move-in. Try to make sure that this critical phase is carried out with ease and consideration, signifying not an end but a magnificent beginning.

An older adult man with a jacket looking directly at the camera.

Enjoying Life with Assisted Living

Assisted living communities, especially those within the idyllic bounds of Minnesota, are crafted to align care requirements with life-enhancing possibilities. The essence of life in assisted living is not defined by the assistance one receives but by the joyful living it enables.

We advocate for proactive planning and encourage families and caregivers to seek the right forms of support and advice for these transitions. Please reach out to us and schedule a tour to learn more about vibrant life with Boden Senior Living.

Written by Lifespark

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